

2011年11月7日 星期一

HomePNA & HomePlug 名詞解釋


The HomePNA Alliance (formerly the Home Phoneline Networking Alliance, also known as HPNA) is an incorporated non-profit industry association of companies that develops and standardizes technology for home networking over the existing coaxial cables and telephone wiring within homes.

HOME PNA規格是1998年由多家知名科技企業,如3ComAMDAT&TCompaqEpigramHPIBMLucentRockwell SemiconductorConexant等,共同建立的規格。


HomePNA 的基本運作模式是來自於 ethernet,我們也可以稱之為「跑電話線路的 ethernet」。與 ethernet 不同的是,它允許在不斷分歧的電話線路中運作,不像其他的網路通訊協定,一定要在單純、不分歧的一條線上進行點對點的傳輸。

所以,HomePNA 的好處是不需佈線、便宜、同一條線路上可以接多達25台電腦;但缺點是速度比不上 ethernet (HomePNA 1.0 版為 1Mbps2.0版為 10Mbps),傳輸距離與抗噪能力比不上 xDSL (1.0版為 500feet, 2.0 版為 1000feet),是比較適用於家庭的網路協定。

由於 HomePNA 不用佈線、便宜的特性,頗受歐美家庭用戶歡迎;在亞太地區,卻有令人意外的發展。

以韓國為主的一些亞洲國家(包含台灣在內),經營社區網路的業者在不堪乙太網路佈線的困擾、而 xDSL 又過於昂貴的情況下,把 HomePNA 拿來作為社區或大樓網路的傳輸設備。

大部分的情況下,1Mbps HomePNA 1.0 已經可以滿足許多用戶的需求,因此HomePNA 成了許多社區網路業者的新歡。

但是HomePNA 的抗噪性不佳,如果線路太長,或用戶太多,線與線間容易產生串音(crosstalk)干擾而造成網路當機。

解決的方法是儘量不要將 HomePNA 交換器集中在電話機房主線盤(MDF),而是放在各樓層的分線盤(IDF),中間用一條第五類雙絞線來同時傳送電源、以100Mbps以太網路來做為主幹線路,如此便可完成快速穩定的社區網路。


Some advantages of HomePNA 3.1 are:

l No special or new home wiring is required.

l Existing services Phone, fax, DSL, Satellite or off-the-air TV viewing are not disrupted since HomePNA operates at different frequencies on the same coax or phone wires.

l Some products offer data rates up to 320 Mbit/s providing enough capacity to carry many High Definition TV (HDTV) and Standard Definition TV (SDTV) video streams.

l Guaranteed QoS eliminates the "collisions" on the network that occur with simpler access methods. It enables "real time" data streams such as IPTV to be delivered without interruption.

l A maximum of 64 devices can be connected.

l The devices can be up to a thousand feet (300 m) apart on telephone wires and multiple thousands of feet apart over coax, more than sufficient for homes.

l Uses standard Ethernet drivers making it easy to add to any product with an Ethernet port without regard to operating system.

l The required hardware is not expensive.

l Straightforward to add other technologies to create a hybrid wired/wireless home network

l Service Providers can deliver phone, Internet and video in a single bundled package through HomePNA Certified hardware.

l The technology works in Multi-Dwelling Units (MDU) such as apartment buildings for delivering triple play services to apartments or distributing the services within apartments. The hotel industry used it.[5]

Some disadvantages of HomePNA 3.1:

n Does not coexist with DOCSIS

n Available integrated circuits ("chips") are few


HomePlug is the family name for various power line communications specifications that support networking over existing home electrical wiring. Several specifications exist under the HomePlug moniker, with each offering unique performance capabilities and coexistence or compatibility with other HomePlug specifications.

HomePlug是一項在20016月公布的PLC(Power Line CommunicationPLC)標準,透過傳統電力傳輸線路,HomePlug可以提供約14Mbps的傳輸率,並使用56位元長度DES加密技術;使用這種電力線網路連接,使用者就可以不必布建任何新的線路,方便地存取網路資源。除了HomePlug外,負責推動此技術的HomePlug Powerline Alliance(HPA)2004年中提出HomePlug AV標準,提供高達200Mbps傳輸率,讓家庭中的音、視訊設備也能透過此網路傳遞影音資訊。而2005年底提出的HomePlug BPL(Broadband over PowerLine)骨幹網路規範,更計畫透過大型電纜提供社區網路頻寬。


1) 速度最快只能達14Mbps

2) 只能在同一電線迴路中傳遞訊號,簡單的說就是不能跨越電表。但是,不受電路斷電器的影響。

3) 傳遞的電線迴路不能超過300公尺。

4) 至少要同時安裝兩個裝置以上。要一個裝置送訊號,另一個裝置收訊號。

5) 此裝置不能插在由UPS所延伸出來的電源插座上,若是延長線有濾波裝置也是不行的。


l http://chunju.pixnet.net/blog/post/1122511-%E7%A4%BE%E5%8D%80homepna%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E6%9E%B6%E6%A7%8B%E5%9C%96

l http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HomePNA

l http://www.eettaiwan.com/SEARCH/ART/HomePlug.HTM

l http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=110&t=46836

l http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HomePlug