是一個高度可擴充、具物件導向、且易於使用的動態網站內容管理系統(CMS),採用 PHP 語言來設計。XOOPS 十分適合用於發展小型至大型的動態社群網站、內部 Intranet 網站、入口網站、並且可用來做為 WEB LOG 使用
XOOPS is a web application platform written in PHP for the MySQL database. Its object orientation makes it an ideal tool for developing small or large community websites, intra company and corporate portals, weblogs and much more.
XOOPS是 eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System 的縮寫,按照英語規則,XOOPS應該讀作「zoo'ps」。
在國際語言支持方面,XOOPS有二十種以上的語言版本,包括英文、繁體中文、簡體中文,編碼可自由選擇採用GB 2312、BIG 5或是UTF-8。
- Database-driven
XOOPS uses a relational database (currently MySQL) to store data required for running a web-based content management system.
- Fully Modularized
Modules can be installed/uninstalled/ativated/deactivated with a click using the XOOPS module administration system.
- Personalization
Registered users can edit their profiles, select site themes, upload custom avatars, and much more!
- User Management
The ability to search for users by various criteria, send email and private messages to users through a template-based messaging system.
- Supported World-wide
XOOPS was created and is maintained by a team of several hard-working volunteers working from all over the world. The XOOPS community has more than dozen official support sites around the world for support of non-English speaking users.
- Multi-byte Language Support
Fully supports multi-byte languages, including Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean, etc.
- Versatile Group Permissions System
Powerful and user-friendly permissions system which enables administrators to set permissions by group.
- Theme-based skinnable interface
XOOPS is driven by a powerful theme system. Both admins and users can change the look of the entire web site with just a click of a mouse. There are also over 1000 themes available for download!
XOOPS uses a relational database (currently MySQL) to store data required for running a web-based content management system.
- Fully Modularized
Modules can be installed/uninstalled/ativated/deactivated with a click using the XOOPS module administration system.
- Personalization
Registered users can edit their profiles, select site themes, upload custom avatars, and much more!
- User Management
The ability to search for users by various criteria, send email and private messages to users through a template-based messaging system.
- Supported World-wide
XOOPS was created and is maintained by a team of several hard-working volunteers working from all over the world. The XOOPS community has more than dozen official support sites around the world for support of non-English speaking users.
- Multi-byte Language Support
Fully supports multi-byte languages, including Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean, etc.
- Versatile Group Permissions System
Powerful and user-friendly permissions system which enables administrators to set permissions by group.
- Theme-based skinnable interface
XOOPS is driven by a powerful theme system. Both admins and users can change the look of the entire web site with just a click of a mouse. There are also over 1000 themes available for download!
XOOPS正體中文延伸計畫 :http://xoops.tnc.edu.tw/